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2014 GAME RESULTS(including Playoffs)
2013 Standings & Stats
2013 Playoffs
The Blackhawks lost several close games in 2014.
2014 BLACKHAWKS  R = rookie               
PLAYER             POSITIONS     G      A   PM 
IVY BOLTON                                     D                 0           3           0          
PAYTON BOLTON                           CF                7         16          0            
JACKSON BURPEE   (R)                   F                 0           0          0           
COLE CLARK                                    D                 0           3          0             
TRYSTYN COLLINS                        FCG            2           4         16           
        6 PERIODS IN GOAL               GAA 5.50                                                                                                              
HAYDEN CURTIS                            FD               9           5          4          
TRINITY FRANCE  (R)                  FD                3           1          4          
THOMAS GORDON                       FC               14          6          8            
ZHANNA REID                               FD               4           6          2        
CAYDEN SCOTT     (R)                 FC                0           2          4        
DAKOTA SMITH                             DF              0           1          2         
HAZI LYN STEPHENS                  GF               0           0          0        
  29 PERIODS IN GOAL         GAA  2.79                                                                                                                  
2013 Blackhawks(R) indicates rookie player * = retiring 6th grader
Player                              position(s)       GOALS   ASSISTS    PM 
HAILEY BOLTON  *       FD        4     7    0
IVY BOLTON  (R)        DF        0     0    6
PAYTON BOLTON          CF       19    11    4
COLE CLARK             D         0     1    4
TRISTIN CLARK  *       CF        7     7    8
TRISTYN COLLINS  (R)   FD        2     4   10
THOMAS GORDON  (R)      F        0     0    6
HANNA REID   (R)        F        4     8    0
HACILYN STEPHENS       GF        0     0    0
     23 periods in goal     GAA  3.00                                       
PAYNE STEPHENS  *      CF        9    16   14
ASHLEY CURTIS (R) *  FG          0     0    0 
HAYDEN CURTIS        D           0     1    0 
2012 Blackhawks  R indicates rookie                                           
player                                                        position(s)                       goals    assists        PM      
KATE CALDWELL  (R)            FC                        1          4            8      
NICK CALDWELL                   F                           15         7           12     
ALAYNA CASSADAY  (R)        CF                        2         10           4     
ASHLEY CASSADAY                D                          0           1           0      
ISAAC CHRISTOPHER          GD                         0          1            0      
               23 PERIODS IN GOAL                       GAA  4.61                                                                     
COLE CLARK (R)                    D                            0          0             0    
TRISTAN CLARK                   CF                         10        15            6     
HAYDEN CURTIS (R)             D                           0          2             0     
GARY PRIESMAN  (R)         DF                          0           0             0      
LEAH PRIESMAN (R)          DFG                       2           1             0     
KYLEIGH SCOTT (R)           FC                          2           2            10    
HACILYN STEPHENS (R)   F                            1            1            2      
PAYNE STEPHENS (R)        D                           0            2             4     
MCKAYLA WEILER            F                             2            1             0     
BLACKHAWKS 2011   *indicates retiring player  (R indicates first year player)
 player                     position(s)              goals   assists       PM 
Carlee Allen                         D                               0             0               0   
Drew Allen*                         C/F                           23           7               4    
(R) Keegan Beden                   F/D                          0            0                0   
Isaac Christopher               F/G/D                        0            0                0   
William Hammond             G/D/F                       0             0               2    
        12 1/2 periods in goal                        GAA 6.00                                                                              
Syddona Hammond                 F/C                       1            1               0    
(R) Paige Heney                       D/F                        0            1               8   
(R) Trent Moore*                     F/C                        8            4               2   
(R) Adam Ryan                        F/D                       1             1               4   
(R) Danielle Ryan*                  F                          0             0               4   
Haylee Scott*                         F/C                      6              3               4  
Jonathan Shotts                 D/F/G                      0             0               0 
Samson Shotts                      G/F                       0             0               0    
   11 1/2 periods in goal                      GAA 5.25                                                                                
(R) Mckayla Weiler             F                             0              0                0 
player                  positions      goals   assists   PM

CARLEE ALLEN                D/F                        0               1              0

DREW ALLEN                   C/F                        20             14            2 

KAYLEB BASTIEN®         F                          0                 1             0

ALIVIA BASTIEN®       D/F                         0                 0              0

JACOB BRIGHTON       C/F                       23                 7             8

MIKAYLA BRIGHTON  D                          0                    2             2

LOGAN COBB                F/C                       2                   11            0

VICTORIA DICKINSON®  D                   0                     2             2

BRIELLE HAMMOND     F                    8                     6               0

SYDDONA HAMMOND    F                    0                     3                0

WILL HAMMOND        D/G                   0                      1                2

Periods in goal 6      GAA 3.50                                                           

TANNIS THAYER   G/D                        0                      1                  4

Periods in goal   24                GAA   2.76                                          


09 BLACKHAWKS (R) indicates first year rookie * indicates retiring player

        player         position(s)                       goals     assists                 PM

CARLEE ALLEN (R)        F                               2                2                           2      

DREW ALLEN                  C/F                         13               9                            4

ANDREW BRIGHTON*       C/F                      12              17                           6

JACOB BRIGHTON           F/C                       14              6                             2

MIKAYLA BRIGHTON (R)  D                          0                1                             0

MAKAYLA BROWN*         G                  32 periods played GAA 1.22                      0

ISAAC CHRISTOPHER (R)  F                       0                  1                            0

LEE CHRISTOPHER *         F                         5                   2                           4

NOAH CHRISTOPHER (R) D                        0                     0                           0

ALAINA COBB *(R)                F                     1                       2                            0

LOGAN COBB (R)           F                             0                      1                             2

JENNY DEAN*          D                                    0                      1                               2

BEAU JOHNSON*     D                                  0                       3                              2

MICHAELA JOHNSON     F                       2                       5                               2

BRIELLE HAMMOND       F                      5                        2                              2

HANNAH HAMMOND*        F                     8                      6                              0 

SYDDONA HAMMOND (R)     F                     0                      0                              0

WILL HAMMOND              D                            0                     1                              0


08 Blackhawks

player      position   goals   assists     PM

DREW ALLEN            F/C                 5            3              8

TROY ALLEN*          C/F                  9            11            2 

ANDREW BRIGHTON C/F                14           12            0

JACOB BRIGHTON     F/C               7              3             4

KENNY CHRISTOPHER*  G/F          0              2              2

Goals Against Average   1.00          with 9 games in goal         

LEE CHRISTOPHER        F             2             4               2

JENNY DEAN                D              0             4               10

BRIELLE HAMMOND     F              6             7                0

HANNAH HAMMOND    F/D           4             5                4

WILLIAM HAMMOND     D             0             1                8

GABE HICKS*               D              0             1                0

BEAU JOHNSON          D              0             2                2

MICHAELA JOHNSON F               5             5                2

TYLER KERSJES*       F             14             2                0

MAKAYLA LEE-BROWN  D         0              3                2

AUSTIN ROOD*                D         0              2                6

Blackhawk's 2007        (* indicates retiring 6th grader)                       
position                player                                       goals    assists       total points             PM 
D       Beau Johnson                   0        1            1               0 
D      Makayla Lee Brown          0         1            1              6 
F      Austin Rood                        0         2            2              4 
C/F  Andrew Brighton              12       11          23             2 
F     Brielle Hammond                 1        0             1             0 
F     Hannah Hammond              2        1             3             0 
F/C  Troy Allen                             3        6             9             0 
F   Tyler Kersjes                        12        5            17            0 
D  Jenny Dean                             0        2             2             6 
F   Trenton Leonard                   2        0             2             0 
F   Drew Allen                              3        0             3             4 
D  Colton Parish*                       1        3              4             0 
F/C Jacob Brighton                   4        5              9             2 
D   Gabe Hicks                            0        1             1              8 
G   Kenny Christopher    Goals Against Average   2.59  &   1 shutout           
C   Cash Flowers*                      4        7            11             2 
The 2006 Blackhawk Team  * indicates retiring 6th grader
  PLAYER                      Position(s)        KFHL  Experience  &  06 Stats 
Troy Allen      Forward/Center                 2nd year Blackhawk/5 goals 2 assists/8pms
Andrew Brighton    Center                       2nd yearKFHL/ 3 goals 10 assists /2pms
Makayla Brown      Defense/Goalie             2nd year KFHL/ 2 goals 1 assist/ 2pms
Caleb Chambers *     Defense                 Rookie/ 1 assist / 6pms
Austin Furlong *        Center                    2years KFHL/ 4 goals 9 assists/ 4pms
Briele Hammond      Forward                 Rookie/ 1 assist/ 0pms
Hannah Hammond  Forward                2nd year KFHL/0pms
Brady Halliwill *     Defense            Rookie/ 3 assists/ 6pms
Beau Johnson      Defense                     Rookie/ 2pms
Tyler Kersjes       Forward/Goalie       Rookie / 2 goals 3 assists / 0pms
Logan McDaniel       Forward/Goalie             Rookie/ 4.00 GAA/ 0pms  
Austin Rood            Defense/Center         2nd year Blackhawk/ 1 goal / 4pms
Jordanna Whipple*       Forward         Rookie/ 10 goals 4 assists/ 2pms
2008 Playoff Champion Blackhawks



Payton Bolton 2013 Hawk leader in goals
Her 19 goals is the most ever scored by a girl in a KFHL season!



(+ indicates playoff champion) (* indicates led league) (^ indicates lowest in league)

YEAR    COACH                     WINS    LOSSES    TIES     GF     GA    PM

1990 Tom Leep             0          4         1      11^  23    42

1991 Bob Harvey           2         1          2      16   16    16

1992 Bob Harvey           4         2          0      23   18    38

1993 Michael Ewing       2         5         1      32    34    26^

1994 Michael Ewing       8         0         1      49    23^   36

1995 Michael Ewing * +  9         0         0      73*  11^    58

1996 Michael Ewing       4         5         1      29    32     50

1997 Michael Ewing       7         3         1      32    20     32

1998 Mark Lawless        2         7         2      31    43     50

1999 Mark Lawless        7        1          3      41    24     64

2000 Mark Lawless        5        5          1      55    48     36

2001 Mark Lawless *     10       1          0      54    22     40

2002 Mrs. Curtis             7       2          2      37    24     48

2003 Mrs. Curtis             9       2          0      50    17     94*

2004 Mrs. Curtis             5       5          1      29    34     41

2005 Rosenberger/Curtis          1     10          0     15^   59*    24

2006 Jim Brown              4      6           1     27     45     36

2007 Jim Brown             4       3          4     44      31     34

2008 Jim Brown +          9       2          0     66*     12     52

2009 Jim Brown             9        1        1      62      13     28^

2010 Mr. Brighton          7        3         0     53      28      20

2011 Jay Scott              2         7         0     39      49      30

2012 Jay Scott             3          6         0     35      48      48

2013  Jason Scott        7          2         0     45      26     52*


Yearly leaders

year     total points

1990 8 Zach Histed

1991 8 Rod Brooks

1992 11* Jeff Brzycki 

1993 19 Chris Ewing

1994 30 Adam Watson

1995 36* Andy Ewing 

1996 20 Jeff Taylor

1997 23 Jeff Taylor

1998 13 Ben Fox 

1999 28 Drew Kersjes

2000 32 Drew Kersjes

2001 35* Michael Chapman

2002 28 Scott Kersjes

2003 16 Jordan Sprague

2004 16 Tina Westendorp

2005 9 Jessa Cheeseman 

2006 14 Jordanna Whipple

2007 23 Andrew Brighton

2008 26 Andrew Brighton

2009 29 Andrew Brighton

2010 34 Drew Allen

2011 30 Drew Allen

2012 26 Tristan Clark

2013 30 Payton Bolton


year       best rookie (4th grade or below)

1990  Jessie Pennington

1991  Chris Ewing

1992 Kevin Mengyan

1993 Adam Watson*

1994  Jeff Taylor* 

1995  Nick Ewing* 

1996 Matthew Dunham

1997  Amanda Rumsey

1998 Drew Kersjes 

1999 Michael Chapman*

2000  Kayla Chapman*

2001 Brooke Cornwell

2002  Alysha Curtis

2003  Anthony Phillips

2004  Amanda Elliston

2005 Troy Allen

2006 Tyler Kersjes

2007 Jacob Brighton

2008 Michaela Johnson 

2009 Mikayla Brighton

2010 Victoria Dickinson

2011 Paige Heney

2012 Alayna Cassaday

2013 Hanna Reid

year  best goalie

1990 Dan Leep

1991 Trent Harvey

1992 Andrew Pontius

1993 Ricky Stevens

1994 Jessica Heney

1995 Michael Reid*

1996  Michael Johnson

1997  Matthew Dunham

1998 Ben Smith

1999  Jason Craven

2000 Eric Westendorp

2001 Eric Westendorp

2002 Dusty Cowell

2003 Dusty Cowell

2004 Brandon Phillips

2005 Kolt Ewing

2006  Logan McDaniel

2007 Kenny Christopher

2008 Kenny Christopher

2009 Makayla Brown *

2010 Tannis Thayer

2011 Samson Shotts

2012 Isaac Christopher

2013 Hazi Lyn Stephens


Andrew Brighton finished as #2 among all time KFHL players in total points with a total of 95 from his one year with the Rangers & four with the Blackhawks.


Andrew Brighton

2009 KFHL Best Goalie
Makayla Brown
The Blackhawk who scored the most KFHL regular season goals (60) in his career is Drew Kersjes.
He played for the team in the 1998 - 2000 seasons. His 30 goals in 2000 led the KFHL.

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KFHL News 2023