Kellogg Floor Hockey News


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Maple Leafs
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2014 GAME RESULTS(including Playoffs)
2013 Standings & Stats
2013 Playoffs
2013 KFHL Playoff Champion Northstars
Eston Sheldon
Led the KFHL in goals & total points in 2013

2013 Star Defense
Cassidy Simpson, Brenna Simpson, & Hannah Pixley

Lane Pixley
Led the KFHL in assists & was MVP of the playoffs
Collin Thames
#1 goalie in KFHL with GAA 1.96 in 2013
The Stars were great on both offense & defense in 2013. After a second place finish in the regular season they went all the way and became the 2013 Playoff champions !
PLAYER                                    POSITION(S)    GOALS   ASSISTS   PM
CELESTE FEASEL (R)                F        5       5    2
BRIANNA KIKENDALL *               FC       8       5    0
BILLY NELSON *                    FG      10       7    6
    4 periods in goal       GAA 2.26                                        
HANNAH PIXLEY                     D        0       3   10
LANE PIXLEY *                     CF       5      19    4
ESTON SHELDON *                   CF      23       9   10
BRENNA SIMPSON *                  D        0       5    0
CASSIDY SIMPSON                   D        0       3    2
COLLIN THAMES                     GF       1       0    0
         23 periods in goal       GAA 1.96                                  
2012 NORTHSTARS R indicates rookie  * INDICATES RETIRING 
player             position(s)goals assists PM 
KATIE CHEESEMAN  *             F            0          2           2  
MICHAELA CHEESEMAN (R)  F             0          1          0  
ADAM FINKLER  (R)                DG          0          2           0 
BRIANNA KIKENDALL           CF           5          3            2 
JACKIE MATER (R)  *              CF         1          6            6 
HANNAH PIXLEY (R)               D            0         3            0  
LANE PIXLEY                          CF          3       27             0 
MICHAEL ROYAL    *               F          28       7              2 
ESTON SHELDON                   FCG      12       12            4 
BRENNA SIMPSON                 FD         2          2            0 
CASSIDY SIMPSON      (R)       D          0          0            2  
COLLIN THAMES                   GD        0          0             0  
   23 PERIODS IN GOAL                         GAA 3.65             
CONNOR JAMES WOOD (R)   D         0           1             6  
NORTHSTARS 2011  (*)retiring players   (R) indicates rookie player
PLAYER                                 POSITION(s) goals assists PM
Evan Adrianson(*)                                C       28   18      0
Mark Dixon  (*)                                 G/F/C   9      4      4 
    7 periods in goal                GAA 0.43                             
(R) Shane Frailey                                   D        0     1       2
(R) Briana Kikendall                              F/D     0     0       2
Brittney Kirby   (*)                              D/F      0    1       0  
Skylar Mullins   (*)                              D        0    1       2 
Lane Pixley                                        C/F      1    1       0 
(R) Genevive Remsing                            F        0    0       2 
Kyle Rose Jr.                                       F/G     1    1       2 
       8 periods in goal                  GAA 3.74                       
Michael Royal                                       F     11   16      2 
Elizabeth Rushford  (*)                       F/C     1     2       0 
Linsay Rushford (*)                             D       0     1       0 
Eston Sheldon                                 G/C/F    3     1       4  
    11 periods in goal                GAA 0.82                           
(R) Brenna Simpson                            F/D     0     0        0 
(R) Collin Thames                               F/D     0     0        4 
2010 NORTHSTARS  R = rookie   * = retiring player    
PLAYER               position             goal      assist            PM 

SHIANN ADAMS          F/C               4             3                   2  

STORM GROSS            D/G             0              0                   2 

   periods in goal 3       GAA  8.00                                           

BRITTNEY KIRBY®        D                0              0                    0

CALEB KRIVE             G                 0               0                    0 

   21 periods in goal     GAA 4.43                                           

SKYLAR MULLINS    D/ C              1               0                     2

LANE PIXLEY          F                   0                4                     0

CAYDEN RINE®    F/C                 4                 1                    0

CUYLER RINE®     F                    0                2                     0

KYLE ROSE JR.® F/C                 2                7                     0

ELIZABETH RUSHFORD C/F       2                2                     0

LINSY RUSHFORD       D            0                0                      0

HAYLEE SCOTT         D             0                0                      2

ESTON SHELDON    C/F            4                5                      4

JONATHAN SHOTTS® D           0               0                       2

SAMSON SHOTTS®  F/C/G      0               0                       0

     periods in goal 6     GAA 9.50                                    


NORTHSTARS 09  (R) INDICATES ROOKIE  ( * indicates retiring player)

player                       Positions            Goals        Assists                PM

JOHN DEVOSS*           D                    0               1                        4 

KLYNE HUGHES (R)        D/F                 0              0                         4

RYAN MUDGE*             F/G               11             5                         12

SKYLAR MULLINS         C/F               3               0                          0

CAMERON PIFER           G/F              1                1                          4

LANE PIXLEY (R)              F                 1                0                          0

AUSTIN REYNOLDS*     F/C                8                 7                          6

ELIZABETH RUSHFORD   F                 1                  1                        0

LINSY RUSHFORD             D                0                   1                       0 

ESTON SHELDON            D/F               1                  4                        2

RAGE SHELDON*             C/F               11                18                      10

HAYLEE SCOTT (R)               D                  0                   1                        0

PAIGE TULLER (R)                  D                  0                    1                       0


PLAYER                     POSITIONS    GOALS  ASSISTS    PM

NICKOLAS BRADEN        D                  0          0               4

CHRIS EPPS                    D                 0          1                0

SETH GURD                  G/D               0           1               0 

  Goals Against Average of    3.17         in 6 games in goal  

TECUMSEH HAKENJOS*  D             0              0             0

AUSTIN HARTWELL        F             1               0             0

TAYLEY HISTED             F             1              1              2

RAEANN KIENUTSKE*   F/C          2               2              0

MCLAIN MOREHOUSE*  C/F         7               3              4

CAMERON PIFER         F/G           3              2               6

Goals Against Average       3.00             in 4 1/3 games 

ELIZABETH RUSHFORD  F           0              2               0

LINDSY RUSHFORD     D/F           0               1               0

SAM SEATON             C/F           1               3                0

ESTON SHELDON         D             0               1                4

RAGE SHELDON        C/F            8              6                 8

SETH TROWBRIDGE*  D              0               0                 0

NORTHSTARS  2007  * indicates retiring 6th grader  
Position   Player                  Goals       Assists    TP         PM
D      Seth Trowbridge      0          0           0         2 
F      Katelynn Varney*   0          4           4          2 
F/C Jessie Rushford*      7          2           9          0 
D     Robbie Welch*        1          5           6          0 
D/F  Ivy Braden              1          0           1          6 
C/F Gretchen Hakenjos 3          3           6          4 
F/C Mclain Morehouse  2          4           6          2 
D   Tecumseh Hakenjos 0          4           4          4 
G/C  Garret Mater*       1           3           4          0 
         goals against average as goalie 2.17          
C/C  Rage Sheldon       2           3            5        8  
       goals against average as goalie 2.50          
F     Aaron Knoll          1           3            4        0 
F/C Raeann Kienutske 4          0            4        2 
F   Seth Gurd               1        1          2      0 
D/F Nicolas Braden 0       2          2       6
D   Jacob Wessner   0       0          0     14
D/F  Bekah Mater   0       0          0       4
F   Don Hampton    4       1          5     10
NORTHSTARS 2006      * indicates retiring 6th grader  

Player        position(s)     KFHL experience & 06 record

Ivy Braden    Forward          Rookie/1goal 1 assist/ 0pms

Gretchen Hakenjos Forward  Second year North Star/ 2 goals 3 assists/ 0pms

Tecumseh Hakenjos  Defense  Second year Northstar/4pms

Christine King Forward  Rookie/1 goal 4 assists/0pms

Aaron Knoll Forward  Rookie/2 assists/0pms

Karlee Mater* Defense  3rd year Northstar/2pms

Garret Mater Center/Goalie 4th year NS/8 goals 5assists/2pms

Nick Matheson* Goalie 4yrsKFHL/ 1.80 GAA/ 1 assist/0pms

McLain Morehouse Forward/Center Rookie/ 1 assist/4pms

Jessica Rushford Forward Rookie/1 goal 4 assists/ 2 pms

Rage Sheldon Forward/Center 2nd year NS/ 6 goals 3 assits/ 10pms

Seth Trowbridge Defense Rookie/1 assist/4 pms

Katelynn Varney Forward 2nd year NS/2goals 2 assists/0pms

Ashley Weiler* Forward/Defense 3rd year NS/1 assist/ 0pms

Robbie Welch Defense 3rd year NS/2 goals 3 assists/ 0pms


2006 Northstars
Click here to see the official team pictures !

2008 Northstars

Michael Royal led the KFHL in 2012 with 28 goals
His 39 goals as a Star was the all time leader !

KFHL History of the


*********(*denotes led league) (^ indicates lowest in league)


year    coach           wins     losses    ties    GF    GA     PM

1993 Dan Rose         2           6          0       23      46       38

1994 Dan Rose         4           3          2       30      31       42

1995 Jeff Magoon      3           5          1       29      32       58

1996 Jeff Magoon      1           9          0        9^     38*       32

1997 Carla Burpee     6          4           1      28      21        46

1998 Carla Burpee     3          8           0      19      50*       34

1999 Carla Burpee     4          5          2       36      36        34^

2000 Mrs. West        1         10          0      13^      65        34^

2001 Mrs. Gardner    2          9           0      19^      47        40

2002  Wood & Whitaker  6          4           1      36       33        28^

2003 Mr. Whitaker * + 9      0            2       56*      12^       62

2004 Mrs. Mater      2         8            1       16^       40       30^

2005 Mrs. Mater      6         3            2       15^       12       58

2006 Mrs. Mater      4         4            3       23        23       30^

2007 Mr. Sheldon    3         5            3       27        26       64

2008 Mr. Sheldon    5         5            1       26        37       32

2009 Mr. Sheldon    5         6            0       37        42       48

2010 Mr. Sheldon    0         7            3       17^      60*      16

2011 Mr. Sheldon    8         1            0       55*      18^       24

2012 Mr. Sheldon    6         3            0       51*      35        24

2013 Mr. Sheldon + 8        1             0       52       18^      34


Total Points

1993 11 Scott Ashley

1994 15 Luke Rodgers

1995 16 Luke Rodgers

1996 5 Racheal Rodgers

1997 16 Jonathan Denton

1998 12 Lance Burpee

1999 17 Dustin Jones

2000 5 Breann Gardner/David Benedict

2001 11 Cory Whitaker

2002 18 Austin Tabor

2003 35* Cory Whitaker

2004 7 Kirt Petersen

2005 7 Garret Mater

2006 13 Garret Mater

2007 9 Jessie Rushford

2008 14 Rage Sheldon

2009 29 Rage Sheldon

2010 9 Eston Sheldon

2011 46* Evan Adrianson

2012 35* Michael Royal

2013 32* Eston Sheldon


1993  9 Scott Ashley

1994 12 Luke Rodgers

1995 8 Luke Rodgers

1996 2 Racheal Rodgers/Jonathan Denton/Austin Fassett

1997 8 Jonathan Denton

1998 7 Lance Burpee

1999 9 Nick Croff

2000 4 Breann Gardner

2001 7 Breann Gardner

2002 10 Austin Tabor

2003 19 Cory Whitaker

2004 4 Kaitlyn Petersen

2005  4 Garret Mater

2006 8 Garret Mater

2007 7 Jessie Rushford

2008 8 Rage Sheldon

2009 11 Rage Sheldon/Ryan Mudge

2010 4 Eston Sheldon/Kyle Rose Jr./Shiann Adams

2011 28* Evan Adrianson

2012 28* Michael Royal

2013 23* Eston Sheldon

Best Defense                                         Best Goalie

1993 Jessica Cook                                 Luke Rodgers

1994 Jessica Cook                                 Nate Glass

1995 Amy Dawson                                 Richard Singer

1996 Jimmy Welpley                              Nick Burpee

1997 Dustin Drumm                               Lance Burpee

1998 Nichole Welpley                            Spencer Balcom

1999 Rochelle Currier                            Spencer Balcom

2000 Stephanie Rugg                            Spencer Balcom

2001 Stephanie Rugg                            Nick Parks

2002 Kayla Chapman                            Chris Rugg

2003 Kayla Chapman*                           Nick Parks*

2004 Amber Napier                               Nick Matheson

2005 Robbie Welch                              Nick Matheson

2006 Robbie Welch                              Nick Matheson

2007 Robbie Welch                              Garret Mater

2008 Tecumseh Hakenjos                     Seth Gurd

2009 John DeVoss                              Cameron Pifer

2010 Skylar Mullins                             Caleb Krive

2011 Skylar Mullins                          Eston Sheldon

2012 Adam Finkler                           Collin Thames

2013 Brenna Simpson                      Collin Thames*


The Stars really missed  Robbie Welch and Garret Mater when they retired at the end of the 2007 season as they were team leaders with the Stars for several seasons. Mater came in as a rookie on the 2003 championship winners and twice led the team in goals and points. In 2007 he spent most of the season in the goalie position. Welch joined the team in 2004 and for 3 seasons was one of the top defensemen in the league.


Northstars' greats Garret Mater & Robbie Welch
with an unidentified Senator !
The record for most goals ever scored by a Northstar player was held by Cory Whitaker (30) until 2012. He also held (until 2011) the record for most goals by a Northstar in a season with 19 in 2003.
Evan Adrianson led the Northstars in 2011
He ended up leading the KFHL in both Goals & Assists

Click on most pictures in this site for a larger view !
KFHL News 2023