Diocese of the Great Lakes

Who we are

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The Diocese of the Great Lakes

   is made up of Anglican Christians :
  •  Committed to spreading the "Good News "of the Gospel that Jesus Christ died on the cross to reconcile us to our Heavenly Father.

  • Using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, The King James Bible, and the 1940 Hymnal in our services.   

  • That use and believe the Nicene and Apostles Creeds.

  • That believe the Holy Scripture contains all things necessary to salvation.

  • And that hold to traditional Anglican beliefs concerning marriage, sexuality, and the male priesthood.


Please write us :

Diocese of the Great Lakes

2415 McCann Rd.

Hastings , MI 49058


Click here for more information about
the history of the Diocese of the Great Lakes

The Diocese of the Great Lakes is a part of the United Episcopal Church of North America
