Diocese of the Great Lakes
O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest;
Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country,
that they, being armed with thy defense, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded
with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For the Army
O Lord God of Hosts, stretch forth, we pray thee,thine
almighty arm to strengthen and protect the soldiers of our country. Support them in the day of battle, and in times of rest
and training keep them safe from all evil; endue them with courage and loyalty; and grant that in all things they may serve
without reproach; through Jesus Christ ou Lord. Amen
For the Navy
O eternal Lord God, who alone spreadest out heavens, and rulest
the raging of the sea;Vouchsafe to take into thy Almighty and most gracious protection our country's Navy, and all that serve
therein. Preserve them from the dangers of the sea, and from the violence of the enemy; that they may be a safeguard unto
the United States of America, and a security for such as pass on the seas upon their lawful occasions; that the inhabitants
of our land may in peace and quietness serve thee our God, to the glory of thy Name;through Jesus Christ ou Lord. Amen
For the Air Force
O Lord God of hosts, who stretchest out the heavens like a
curtain; Watch over amd protect, we pray thee,the airmen and women of our country as they fly upon their appointed tasks.
Give them courage as they face the foe, and skill in the performance of their duty. Sustain them with thy Everlasting Arms.
May thy hand lead them and thy right hand hold them up that they may return to the earth with a grateful sense of thy mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For the Marine Corps
O Eternal Father, we commend to thy protection and care the
members of the Marine Corps. Guide and direct them in the defense of our country and in the maintenance of justice among nations.
Protect them in the hour of danger. Grant that wherever they serve they may be loyal to their high traditions and that at
all times they may put their trust in thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For the Coast Guard
O Lord who of old didst still the raging of the
sea, watch over, we beseech thee, the members of our Coast Guard as they sail upon their missions of helpfulness and succour.
Grant them courage and skill and a safe return, and a grateful sense of thy mercy toward them;through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For Armed Forces Chaplains
Blessed Lord, who didst commission thy disciples to continue the work which the Father sent thee into the
world to do, support, we beseech thee, with thy Holy Spirt, those who minister in the Armed Forces of our country. Strengthen
them and make them courageous in the perils of their calling, that they may gloify thee before all men; and do thou hold them
ever in thy gracious keeping; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
For Those Wounded in War
O Lord, we pray thee to have mercy upon all who are this day wounded and suffering. Raise them to
health again, if it be thy good pleasure; but chiefly give them patience and faith in thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
For Those Who Minister to the Wounded and Sick
O merciful God, whose blessed Son went about doing good; Uphold with thy strength and grace those
who do service to the wounded and the sick; grant to the physicians and nurses wisdom, skill, sympathy, and patience; and
we beseech thee to protect and bless them in all dangers and anxieties; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen